D&P Schools

Faith in action


The D&P Schools Program helps Catholic schools and youth groups engage social and global justice issues through the lens of their faith.

Inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’, the program encourages Catholic communities to nurture three fundamental and interconnected relationships: to God, to each other, and to the natural world. Pope Francis says that when we nurture these relationships, we promote an integral ecology that “takes us to the heart of what it is to be human.

The D&P Schools Program provides youth with concrete (and fun!) ways to take you there.

D&P Schools program logo

Registered D&P Schools will be connected with their local animator who will accompany you and your students as you complete the world-changing challenges listed below.

Each challenge corresponds to a badge so you can track your progress. Earn as many as you can during the school year!

Have a question? Feel free to reach out to us at youth@devp.org. Our team is happy to help and provide any information you need. 


The program consists of a series of challenges for which schools earn badges. Each badge corresponds to a particular theme of global/social justice. The aim of the program is to earn as many badges as possible in a year, but we welcome any level of engagement.

Schools register for the D&P Schools Program via a teacher supervisor by using our online registration form. You will then receive an email from your local D&P animator who will accompany you throughout the year.

Note: If you signed up in a previous year, no need to register again! Just say hello to let us know how we can support you this year.

Most badges can be done at any time during the year. However, a couple badges are tied to participation in events that take place at a particular time of year (Party for Peace and Happy Badger).

After you’ve completed a challenge, award your students with a badge.

Be sure to send a photo to youth@devp.org (or tag us @devpeace) so we can share your amazing work!

Your local D&P animator (who will contact you following your registration) is your primary contact for all questions related to the program. Be sure to make a note of their name and contact info!

For other questions about the program, including questions about enrollment, contact Emily Bowman-Lukasik, Youth Programs Officer at: Emily.Lukasik@devp.org

We look forward to supporting you on your D&P Schools journey!

Take a look at our 23 "world-flipping" challenges and badges

Note: You can also check out our “Flip the world flipbook”, a visually-engaging version of this list designed with students in mind!

Badge Food for all

Food for all

Organize a solidarity meal to raise awareness about where our food comes from and who produces it.

Flip the World Badge

World Flipper

Display an “upside down” map somewhere in your school.

Tree Planter badge

Tree Planter

Plant a tree in your schoolyard or community and raise awareness about the benefits of trees.

Truth and Action badge

Truth and Action

Contribute to reconciliation in your school community.

Supply chain? Human chain! badge

Supply chain?
Human chain!

Choose an everyday product and learn about how it's made.

Petition Magician badge

Petition Magician

Gather signatures for our fall campaign petition.

Walk the walk badge

Walk the Walk

Join or plan a demonstration, rally, or march to raise awareness about an issue important to your school community.

Retreat Leader badge

Retreat Leader

Use our retreat package “On Earth as it is in Heaven” for one of your school retreats.

Peace Party badge

Peace Party

Attend the Caritas Christmas Party for Peace online event Monday, December 2, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET and share your school’s commitment to Peace.

Dress Down, Speak Up badge

Dress Down, Speak Up

Hold a non-uniform day to raise awareness about the impacts of sweatshops and fast fashion.

CST Promoter badge

CST Promoter

Learn and promote all 10 Catholic Social Teachings (CSTs) in your school community.

#Hashtag badge


Spread the good news of #GlobalJustice on your school’s social media accounts. Follow @devpeace and tag us in your world-changing posts!

Bottled Water Free badge

Bottled Water Free

Make your school a Bottled Water Free Zone.

Graphic Novel Book Worm badge

Graphic Novel Book Worm

Read one of our graphic novels and engage in the call to action.

Essay Writer badge

Essay Writer

Write an essay about why you support the work of Development and Peace – Caritas Canada.

Laudato Si’ng badge

Laudato Si’ng

Write and record a new verse to add to the Laudato Si’ Song!

Major Mustard badge

Major Mustard

Plant a mustard seed and watch it grow.

THINKfast badge


Run a THINKfast at your school.

Fundraiser badge


Raise money to support our partners’ work in the Global South.

Prayer Power badge

Prayer Power

Use any one of our prayers and reflections in your school setting.

Liturgy Leader badge

Liturgy Leader

Incorporate themes of Laudato Si’ and global justice into one of your school liturgies.

Lesson Learned badge

Lesson Learned

Carry out a social justice activity from our database!

Happy Badger badge

Happy Badger

Host an event with your group, class, or whole school, to celebrate everything you've accomplished!

What people are saying about D&P Schools program:

Educational resources

Check out and download a variety of educational and theological resources that may be interesting to you.

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