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Areas of focus

Founded and headquartered in Canada, Development and Peace — Caritas Canada reflects the values and priorities of Canadians, particularly the Catholic community.

Inspired by Catholic Social Teaching and in line with our guiding principles, we are working for a better world by focusing on the following issues:

Axe thématique : Démocratie et participation citoyenne | Area of focus: Democracy and citizen participation icon

Citizen Participation

True democracy requires the full participation of citizens, especially those who are traditionally marginalized. We therefore work with our partners to promote sustainable development, human rights and dignity through good governance.


We have worked to educate and empower young people to be active, responsible citizens who take concrete initiatives and motivate others to promote sustainable peace, justice and a democratic society.

Justice écologique | Ecological justice icon

Ecological Justice

What harms the Earth is also what spreads poverty and hunger. To care for our common home, we support initiatives that promote the sustainable use of natural resources and the development of economic systems that respect the planet’s limits and people’s dignity.


We have helped residents turn one of the region’s most vulnerable neighbourhoods into a thriving ecological village. Hundreds of people have learned composting, agroecology and livestock rearing adapted to the flood-prone environment.

Justice pour les femmes | Justice for women icon

Justice for Women

With the conviction that empowering women enriches entire societies, we engage women and men in transforming the power relations that create inequalities and prevent women from being active and full citizens within their communities.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

We have supported women in learning to read and write, acquiring new skills, starting small businesses and asserting their rights. This has created new dynamics of respect and equality in their communities.

Paix et réconciliation | Peace and rconciliation

Peace and Reconciliation

Because development is impossible without peace, we support peacebuilding initiatives that address the root causes of conflict, promote dialogue, encourage local participation and propose peaceful ways to settle tensions.


We have empowered vulnerable communities to defend their human, ecological and territorial rights and to build societies based on peace, social justice and reconciliation. Our partners have trained young people in filmmaking to help them capture and express their realities, challenges and aspirations.

Aide humanitaire | Humanitarian aid icon

Humanitarian aid and our triple nexus approach

The poor always bear the brunt of disasters and conflicts. That is why our emergency responses adopt a triple nexus approach, linking humanitarian aid to development and peacebuilding efforts.

In addition to saving lives in the immediate aftermath of crises, this helps our partners ensure that no one is left behind and that communities emerge stronger and more resilient.


Since the conflict began, we have been helping address not only people’s basic food, shelter and healthcare needs but also their longer-term livelihood, education, psychosocial support and peace-related concerns.

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