Development and Peace – Caritas Canada addresses the root causes of poverty, oppression, and inequality by working with partners in the Global South and by mobilizing Canadians in the common struggle for justice and dignity.
We champion women and social movements as key agents of lasting change.
Our human family living on a healthy planet in dignity, solidarity, justice and peace.
These five values are at the heart of who we are and what we do.
We will courageously live and promote these values in all aspects of our work:
We believe in the inherent dignity of the human person, as created in the image and likeness of God. We work for Integral Human Development, which is concerned with the social, economic, political, and ecological wellbeing of each person.
We believe all persons are entitled to participate in community and in decisions that affect their lives. We encourage and enable people to be protagonists – active players in creating a world where all can thrive.
We believe in the interconnection and interdependence of the whole human family. We walk side-by-side with all who struggle for justice, taking up our cause together.We share the joys and hopes, griefs and anxieties of the women and men of our time, and in particular those who are impoverished and marginalized by unjust systems, as we think and act in the spirit of community.
We believe those who have been impoverished by unjust systems are powerful actors for social change. We listen to, amplify, and join their voices. We prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized as we pursue the common good so that no one is left out.
We believe we are accountable to those who place their confidence in us to accomplish our mission: our members, local communities, partners, donors, and institutional funders. We manage the resources entrusted to us with transparency, sharing our learnings and our successes.
Four main approaches guide our work abroad and in Canada. Learn more.
We are working for a better world by focusing on 5 key issues. Learn more.
From DPCC's foundation in 1967 to the present day, discover our history. Learn more.
About us
Our work
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Get in touch
555 René-Lévesque Blvd. West, 8th Floor
Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2Z 1B1
Phone: 514-257-8711
Toll-free: 1-888-234-8533
Fax: 514-257-8497
Charity number: 1 1882 9902 RR 0001
Our international cooperation program is carried out in part with the financial support of the Government of Canada acting through Global Affairs Canada.
Development and Peace — Caritas Canada is the official international solidarity organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis.
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