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Reaping our rights


Although they feed the world and care for the Earth, peasant and rural communities around the world often live precariously and face many challenges. Undaunted, they organize and advocate for their rights.

With the Reaping our Rights campaign, we will stand in solidarity with peasants and small-scale farmers. We will help ensure that their rights are respected, by pushing for the adoption of strong mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation in Canada.

If you missed our campaign launch webinar, which took place on September 28, 2024 with our guests Celeste Smith (National Farmers Union), Nnimmo Bassey (our partner in Nigeria, HOMEF) et Aidan Gilchrist-Blackwood (Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability, CNCA), feel free to watch the recording HERE.

Feel free to attend a workshop in your area. See our events page for more information.

Icon signatures


For many years, Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada has been advocating for corporate accountability. Now, alongside the CNCA, we are continuing to call for Canada to adopt strong mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence (mHREDD) legislation.

Such a law would compel Canadian companies to respect the environment and human rights across their global supply chains. This would allow our sisters and brothers in the Global South to live in dignity and realize the aspirations articulated in UNDROP.


Courageous advocacy by peasants’ groups led to the adoption on December 17, 2018, of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP). It was drafted by and for peasants to protect their rights.

As the fruit of 17 years of mobilization and negotiation by La Via Campesina, a global movement of millions of peasants, UNDROP is a historic achievement!

Watch this video from La Via Campesina to find out more:

Undrop vidéo image La Via Campesina

To learn more about UNDROP and its importance, see also these resources:


Bolivia, Indonesia and Nigeria have all adopted UNDROP.

Find out why the declaration is important to our partners and how it applies to their work.

Thumbnail video Bolivia - Lent 2024

contributes to the economic, political, social and cultural development of each individual, building fair and equitable relationships to preserve life and nature.

Thumbnail video Indonesia - Lent 2024

ensures village sovereignty, in terms of both food and energy, so that farming communities can lead more just, dignified and sustainable lives.

Thumbnail video Nigeria - Lent 2024

works on issues of climate justice, food sovereignty and oil pollution, and supports healthy, cohesive social-ecological communities where people live in solidarity and dignity.


This autumn, we’re delighted to welcome two solidarity visitors:

Photo of Nnimmo Bassey

Nnimmo Bassey

The executive director of HOMEF in Nigeria will visit Thunder Bay, Manitoba and Ottawa from September 26 to October 8, 2024.

Eva Colque, Bolivia

Eva Colque

Unfortunately, we have to postpone the solidarity visit of Eva Colque, the executive director of Fundación NUNA in Bolivia, until the spring of 2025, as we are still waiting for her visa.


Organize a meal with your family, community, school or parish. Take the time to consider the foods that make up your meal.

Be thankful for the abundance of food we are privileged to eat and discuss how it can be produced and sold in fairer, more sustainable ways. Take the opportunity to collect signatures on the action card!

Collage of resources - fall 2024


Spread the word about our campaign in your community with our poster, action sheet and action card. Order them now.

You can also download many other resources, including an organizer’s guide, messages for parish bulletins, a short talk, an information sheet for meeting your MP, promotional banners and much more!


Our D&P Schools program offers young people the chance to earn badges by taking on various global justice challenges.

This fall, we’re launching a new “Food for All” badge inspired by the Reaping our Rights campaign.

Here’s how to earn it: 

  1. Organize a solidarity potluck with friends and family, your class or your church.

  2. Have everyone collect stickers from the fruits and vegetables they’ve prepared and stick them on the corresponding country on a world map. Bonus: Use an “upside down” world map from the “Flip the world” badge! 
Badge Food for all

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