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Reaping our rights

The rights of rural and peasant communities

Everywhere on Earth, and especially in the Global South, impoverished populations are facing growing challenges due to climate change, land grabbing, resource theft, soil contamination and armed conflict.

Rural populations are particularly affected by these upheavals, and Development and Peace — Caritas Canada supports them in defending their rights to life, land, water, biodiversity, justice, health, participation, decent livelihoods, a healthy environment and more.

Join us for the Share Lent Reaping our Rights national campaign launch webinar on February 17, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. ET. Click here to register.

Feel free to attend a workshop in your area. See our events page for more information.

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Women from DRC | Femmes de RDC

Donate monthly

Double your impact!

A great way to support us is to become a Share Year-Round monthly donor. Your recurring, predictable donations reduce our administrative costs and allow us to plan longer-term transformative work.  

This Lent, start or increase your monthly donations any time between Ash Wednesday (February 14) and Pentecost (May 19) to have your total annual donation (or increase thereof) matched dollar for dollar!  

This means that a monthly donation (or increase thereof) of $10 will be matched for $120, and Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada will receive a total of $240 over the year.

*This offer is valid until the matching fund of $160,000 endowed by some generous individuals and religious communities runs out.  


Whether in Bolivia, Indonesia or Nigeria, many people are mobilizing to improve their living conditions and assert their rights.

Discover the valiant work of our partners, Fundación NUNA (Bolivia), PAYOPAYO (Indonesia) and HOMEF (Nigeria) through these testimonial videos.

Thumbnail video Bolivia - Lent 2024
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contributes to the economic, political, social and cultural development of each individual, building fair and equitable relationships to preserve life and nature.

Thumbnail video Indonesia - Lent 2024
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ensures village sovereignty, in terms of both food and energy, so that farming communities can lead more just, dignified and sustainable lives.

Thumbnail video Nigeria - Lent 2024
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works on issues of climate justice, food sovereignty and oil pollution, and supports healthy, cohesive social-ecological communities where people live in solidarity and dignity.


This Lent, we are delighted to welcome Karno Batiran, Executive Director of PAYOPAYO, our partner in Indonesia. Karno and his team are doing a fabulous job of training young villagers who want to work the land in a healthy, sustainable way and enabling the next generation of farmers.

See him on the cover of our Mini-magazine, caring for seedlings at the PAYOPAYO agricultural school with Ama Llulla, his five-year-old daughter.

Karno Batiran will be touring British Columbia from February 23 to March 4, 2024. Stay tuned for details of his itinerary.

Photo of Karno Batiran


Executive Director of PAYOPAYO

Lent 2024 resources collage


Spread the word about the Share Lent campaign in your community and encourage donations with our many resources: poster, Mini-magazine, short talk, Way of the Cross, parish bulletin announcements, Solidarity calendar, weekly reflections, prayers of the faithful, snakes and ladders game, promotional banners and more!

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