This strategic plan is built on the learnings from an extensive consultation process, including three rounds of progressive consultation within our movement, a survey of 97 partner and ally organizations, 11 sharing circles with 24 partners, and a year of discussions among the staff and national council.
By this method, we have started a process of discernment that will continue through this five-year plan to ensure that our foundations are updated and relevant, and to set ourselves up for success into the future.
We identified the following three fundamental priorities during the process:
Development and Peace – Caritas Canada is not just an organization that supports international development, it is a movement of people living in solidarity who pursue, together, a more just world. We must ensure that we create a space at our table for everyone who shares our vision and values, and that we are ready to join at others’ tables as well. We need to be skilled to organize our work, and ensure the democratic nature is always a strong asset of our movement so that we can pursue our mission with passion, eficacy, and unity. We must strengthen our collaboration with the Church in Canada and with civil society groups to ensure ongoing shared learning and strength in local and global justice movements.
We strive to live in solidarity with those who are been impoverished, oppressed, and excluded by the historic and ongoing social, political, economic, and ecological systems. We live this solidarity in three ways – by supporting partners who are organizing their communities in the pursuit of alternatives to unjust systems, by educating and mobilizing Canadians on the causes of poverty and solutions that support our partners, and by amplifying the call for justice to decision-makers who can implement laws, policies, practices, and standards that promote human dignity for all.
Inspiring confidence among our donors, institutional funders, and supports is essential to our institutional reputation. Strengthening our organization’s capacity to serve our mission through financial growth will allow us to better plan long-term programmes, invite donor and members into active solidarity, and create stability through diverse sources of funding. Inspiring our movement, attracting, and retaining talent to serve our mission, and ensuring cohesion and harmony as both a movement and an organization will allow us to grow our impact in pursuit of our mission.
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555 René-Lévesque Blvd. West, 8th Floor
Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2Z 1B1
Phone: 514-257-8711
Toll-free: 1-888-234-8533
Fax: 514-257-8497
Charity number: 1 1882 9902 RR 0001
Our international cooperation program is carried out in part with the financial support of the Government of Canada acting through Global Affairs Canada.
Development and Peace — Caritas Canada is the official international solidarity organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis.
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