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Development and Peace – Caritas Canada joins the call for a just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

Development and Peace – Caritas Canada has joined over 200 organizations from across Canada to launch “Six Principles for a Just Recovery.” The goal is to push the Canadian government to ensure that the recovery from the pandemic is a catalyst for change. The pandemic has revealed the deep inequalities that exist here in Canada and in the Global South and that have been created by an economic model which places profit before human dignity and care for our common home. The following six principles are a commitment to a just future that puts the health and wellbeing of ALL peoples and ecosystems first, and builds a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable society.

  1. Put people’s health and wellbeing first. No exceptions
  2. Strengthen the social safety net and provide relief directly to people
  3. Prioritize the needs of workers and communities
  4. Build resilience to prevent future crises
  5. Build solidarity and equity across communities, generations, and borders
  6. Uphold Indigenous Rights and work in partnership with Indigenous peoples

From our endorsement of the call for a Jubilee Debt Suspension and Cancellation for the poorest and most-indebted countries, to our support of communities around the world who are responding to the health, economic, and human rights impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Development and Peace is actively working to ensure that Canada and countries around the world build back better after the pandemic. We are all part of one human family, and when one of us is affected, all of us are affected so it is moment where we must respond with solidarity.

Read the principles here, and learn more about how you can take action to ensure that the Canadian government puts these inspiring principles into action: justrecoveryforall.ca.

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