Annual report

Table of contents

Read the summary of the 2022-2023 annual report (PowerPoint presentation).

A word from our president and executive director

The year 2022-2023 was synonymous with change, but also with a steady increase in conflicts and extreme climatic events affecting populations on every continent. A 2023 report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees indicates, in particular, that the number of displaced or refugee families has risen from 25 million in 2019 to over 100 million in 2023. Against this backdrop, our organization’s mission remains as relevant as ever.

Having been an active member of the Caritas Internationalis confederation for 25 years now, the global situation only strengthens our commitment and determination to tackle the causes of poverty, while responding to the emergencies affecting the most impoverished families on our planet.

In May 2023, Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada was able to send four representatives to the Caritas Internationalis General Assembly in Rome. Over 350 delegates and observers from 160 countries spent a week discussing global issues. The meeting ended with the election of a new president and secretary general. During the audience with Pope Francis, he reaffirmed that Caritas acts in the name of the Catholic Church to offer the love of Christ to those most in need. This stimulates us to continue our advocacy campaigns.

In the fall of 2022, we continued our People and Planet First campaign, calling on the Canadian government to hold Canadian mining companies operating abroad socially accountable for their actions. A total of 43,000 signatures were delivered to the Canadian Parliament. Of these, members of our organization collected 28,375 signatures and met with 50 Members of Parliament. As a follow-up to the Orientation Assembly held in June 2022, at which the major strategic directions for the next five years were chosen, we worked throughout the year to produce our 2023-2028 strategic plan

After extensive consultation, the National Council also adopted new bylaws. This led to our first national Annual General Meeting being held online in February 2023. This historic event brought together 178 diocesan members.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a special thank you to our network of members, donors and the Bishops of Canada. Your ongoing commitment, availability, active participation and support enable Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada to fulfill its mission.

Brenda Arakaza

Brenda Arakaza

President of the National council

Photo of Carl Hétu, Executive Director

Carl Hétu

Executive Director

National council



President: Brenda Arakaza
(Francophone youth representative)
Vice-president: Tashia Toupin (West)
Treasurer: Danny Gillis (Atlantic)
Secretary: Frank Fohr (Ontario)
Member: Most Rev. Pierre Goudreault
(Bishop, Quebec)


Don Devine (Atlantic)
Gabrielle Dupuis (Ontario)
Simone Fournier (Quebec)
Most Rev. Jon Hansen (Bishop, West)
Most Rev. Peter Hundt (Bishop, Atlantic)
Reanne Laurie (Anglophone youth
Teresa McKerral (West)
Jason Noble (Quebec)
Boris Polanski (Quebec)
Most Rev. Pierre-Olivier Tremblay (Bishop, Ontario)

Our impact in numbers

Travail à l'étranger

$12.8 million

invested in overseas projects

Logo partenaires

78 local partnerships

in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East

Logo Projets

73 projects

in community development and humanitarian aid in
34 countries

Icon people

4.3 million+ people

reached through overseas projects and programs

12,744 members

in over 60 dioceses
across Canada

Icon participants

13,648 participants

in 264 regional events
across Canada.

Icon Schools

190 schools

in the D&P Schools Program and/or THINKfast events

81,736 donations


Where we work

Amount invested from September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023 in the following regions:

Financial statements

From September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023

Please note that we have revised the layout of our financial statements to improve clarity and transparency.

Community development projects by areas of focus

Axe thématique : Démocratie et participation citoyenne | Area of focus: Democracy and citizen participation icon

Democracy and citizen participation

The democratic process calls for pursuing the path of inclusive, peaceful, constructive, and respectful dialogue among all the components of civil society in every city and nation.

Climat et justice écologique | Climate and ecological justice icon

Ecological justice

Some effects of the climate crisis are already irreversible, at least for several hundred years. We are now unable to halt the enormous damage we have caused. We barely have time to prevent even more tragic damage.

Justice pour les femmes | Justice for women icon

Justice for women

The growing presence of women in social, economic and political life at local, national, and international levels... is a beneficial process.”

Paix et réconciliation | Peace and rconciliation

Peace and reconciliation

Setting out on a journey of peace is a challenge made all the more complex because the interests at stake in relationships between people, communities and nations, are numerous and conflicting. We must first appeal to people’s moral conscience and to personal and political will. Peace emerges from the depths of the human heart and political will must always be renewed, so that new ways can be found to reconcile and unite individuals and communities.

Aide humanitaire | Humanitarian aid icon

Humanitarian aid

Philanthropic development

Icône dons mensuels | Monthly donations icon

$1,622,450 in monthly donations

from 4,801 donors

Icône don testamentaire | Icon bequest by will donation

37 bequests

worth $2,016,761

Icône d'une main tenant un coeur | Icon of a hand holding a heart


in the Solidarity Fund thanks to a new donation of $200,000

Share Year-Round program: together for a common goal

We welcome the 177 people who became Share Year-Round monthly donors during Share Lent 2023.

Benefiting from a matching fund set up by generous
donors and religious communities, their annual contribution of $71,000 has been doubled to $142,000.

We would also like to thank the 4,801 Share Year-
Round monthly donors who contributed $1,622,450 this year. Their commitment inspires us and gives us wings. Together, we fight for global social justice, unite our voices for peace and work for the dignity of every individual in solidarity with our partners.

Share Year-Round donors make a significant difference throughout the year. Their support not only drives our mission, it encourages us to continue our efforts to make the world a better place. They provide financial stability to our support for partners working in communities and strengthen our ability to respond rapidly to emergency relief.

in action!

Over the past year, we received $51,769 in gifts of
securities. This strategic choice by donors enables them to mitigate the tax impact of investments like stocks, bonds, term investments and mutual funds that have appreciated since their acquisition.

Whether from an individual or a management company, a gift of securities allows donors to contribute more while preserving liquidity. In addition to gaining full exemption from capital gains tax, donors get a receipt for their income taxes. This tax advantage is an excellent way for people to increase the impact of their support for the mission of Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada.

Thanks to our securities donors for their generosity!

Meeting major challenges with the Solidarity Fund

Our Solidarity Fund is the ideal means of providing long-term support to the causes we champion.

Donations to it are invested in perpetuity in accordance with the social teachings of the Catholic Church. A portion of the interest generated by these investments is used for the organization’s mission and enables us to better plan our many overseas programs. These investments are overseen by our Finance Committee. The Solidarity Fund currently holds $9,915,453.

By contributing to it, donors enable us to take on major long-term challenges that promote alternatives to unjust social, political, economic and environmental structures, while benefiting from a tax advantage.

Our online and international reach

This year, we asserted our presence in the traditional media and on the web, where we made significant gains in visibility.

Whether on social networks, thanks to the original content we published, or in the print media, thanks to interviews and positions on current events, we did not go unnoticed.

We appeared in the media to talk about our organization’s trajectory and to contribute to various topics. Various Canadian and American media outlets called our executive director or programs officers on 11 occasions to talk about issues ranging from Canada’s international humanitarian aid budget to the consequences of Meta’s news blackout.

On the web

Our website remains an excellent showcase for our work in Canada and around the world. In all, 58 articles and 35 press releases were published, and our webpages were viewed 374,000 times during the year.

Contact with the community is important to us, as evidenced by the 19 newsletters and special communications sent to our list of 32,395 people.

On social media

Our followers’ engagement rates have risen on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).

31,472 people are following us on social networks. Our handles are @DevPeace in English and @DevPaix in French.

In ENGLISH @DevPeace
In FRENCH @DevPaix

Around the world

Internationally, we took part in major events such as World Youth Day in Lisbon and the Caritas Internationalis General Assembly in Rome. One of our interns, Yusra Shafi, also represented us on a KAIROS Canada youth delegation to COP27 in Egypt.


From the bottom of our hearts, we at Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada would like to thank all our members, donors, religious communities and supporters!

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through Global Affairs Canada; of the Government of Quebec, through the ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs and the ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie; of the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation; and the Franciscans of Canada.

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