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Solidarity, prayers and support for Ukraine: Development and Peace joins relief efforts

MONTREAL, February 25, 2022 – Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada is deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine. “We strongly condemn all acts of military aggression that can only bring pain, fear and destruction,” said executive director Carl Hétu.

In a video message posted on the morning Russian troops attacked, Tetiana Stawnychy, president of Caritas Ukraine, said “It’s hard to believe in the 21st century that we were waking up to the sounds of explosions and of air raid sirens…. We ask for your solidarity, prayers and support.”

Development and Peace is joining the Caritas Internationalis family, the CIDSE network and organizations like the Catholic Near East Welfare Association in responding to Caritas Ukraine’s call. We have made an immediate allocation of $75,000 to help with the provision of food, shelter, medical care and transport to safe locations.

President Brenda Arakaza said, “We also stand in solidarity with Canada’s Ukrainian Catholic bishops and all Canadian Ukrainians and invite people to join them in praying for peace.”

The situation in Ukraine is already quite serious. Media reports citing United Nations sources indicate that some 100,000 Ukrainians fled their homes yesterday alone. In harsh winter conditions, thousands of terrified civilians have amassed at the Polish border. Worryingly, the Migration Policy Institute estimates that more than 1 million Ukrainians could end up being displaced to nearby countries.

As the conflict goes on, much more funding will be required to meet Ukrainians’ needs. Development and Peace therefore calls on Canadians to give generously.

Donations can be made on our website, by calling 1 888 664-3387 or by mailing us a cheque drawn in favour of Development and Peace and marked Emergency Ukraine.

We thank Canadians for their solidarity and remind all aggressors of Pope Francis’s message:

Every war leaves our world worse than it was before. War is a failure of politics and of humanity, a shameful capitulation, a stinging defeat before the forces of evil.

Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, 261

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About Development and Peace

Development and Peace — Caritas Canada is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada. It works in partnership with local organizations in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin American and the Middle East to create greater justice in the world and to act in solidarity with the most vulnerable people.

For more information, contact:

Minaz Kerawala
Communications and Public Relations Advisor
Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada
514 257-8710 ext. 328 | mkerawala@devp.org

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