Category: Members in action

The movement is its members: Reine Patricia Le mouvement, c’est les membres : Reine Patricia

What moves the movement?

A youngster draws on her parents’ example and the inspiration of kindly elders to understand what keeps some people committed to Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada.

Photo de notre Assemblée régionale Québec-NB 2023

Walking together

How can we work at the heart of our communities, in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world, to create a more just society that respects the rights and dignity of all? Such was the question at Quebec and New Brunswick regional assembly.

Poster Rosary for Sudan

Praying for peace in Sudan

Heeding Pope Francis’s call to pray for the Sudanese people, Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada supporters from across the country joined an online rosary for peace in the country, which remains embroiled in a deadly conflict between two rival generals.

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