Category: Humanitarian aid

Ukraine Emergency: Update

While our partners in the region have been providing emergency assistance since the start of the war, in recent months they have also begun providing stabilization and recovery assistance.

Children’s programs in Ukraine

In addition to providing urgent humanitarian assistance, our partner Caritas Ukraine is providing stabilization assistance, such as these recreational and psychosocial programs for children from families displaced by the war.

Our response to the Hunger Crisis

Further to our appeal for donations this summer in response to the Hunger Crisis in sub-Saharan Africa, Development and Peace is using funds doubled by the Government of Canada to support two new projects in Mali and Niger.

Hunger crisis in sub-Saharan Africa

As part of the Government of Canada’s matching fund, Development and Peace is appealing for donations in response to the food crisis in sub-Saharan Africa, which is reaching catastrophic levels.

Update on our Ukraine fundraising

Development and Peace — Caritas Canada has been raising emergency funds for Ukraine since the beginning of the war, which has displaced over 12 million

Mourning a tragedy in Mariupol

Development and Peace condemns a Russian tank attack in Mariupol, Ukraine, that claimed the lives of two Caritas staff members and five others.

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