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Virtual lenten workshop | East/North Ontario

Banner of the Share Lent campaign Reaping our rights

Climate change, land contamination, armed conflicts… Everywhere on Earth, and especially in the Global South, impoverished peoples are facing growing challenges.

Rural populations are particularly hard-hit. That’s why it’s so important to defend rural communities’ rights.

This year during Lent, we will meet the farmers feeding and protecting the planet. D&P partners with organizations around the world finding creative solutions to today’s challenges and building powerful networks of solidarity.

We reap what we sow. So, let’s sow love, dignity, peace and justice together every day, to create hope for reaping a better world.

Join us to learn about Share Lent 2024. This workshop will cover the Share Lent Campaign and offer all you will need to mobilize the campaign in your parish, school, or community in support of D&P’s work. All are welcome! It is self-evident that one reaps what one sows. So, let’s sow love, dignity, peace and justice together every day, to create hope for reaping a better world.

Join us to learn about this year’s Share Lent campaign and how we can get involved in our communities.

When: Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Where: Virtual on Zoom. Please click on the button below to register.

Registration and information: For more information, please contact Kiegan Irish at Kiegan.Irish@devp.org


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