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We Stand For The Land, Mother Earth: A Development and Peace Social Justice Weekend

The Sault Ste. Marie Diocesan Council and Development and Peace Youth Programs invite you to join us for an inter-generational retreat at the beautiful Anishinabe Spiritual Centre in Espanola, Ontario.

We will be reflecting and sharing time together around themes of social justice, putting faith into action, eco-spirituality, and walking in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. 

When: October 13-15, 2023

Where: Anishinabe Spiritual Centre: Anderson Lake, Espanola


  • Mary O’Donnell, Sault Ste. Marie Diocesan Council Member
  • Gabrielle Dupuis, National Council Member
  • Camilo Coral, Development and Peace International Programs Officer for Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Ukraine
  • Kiegan Irish, Development and Peace Animator for Eastern and Northern Ontario

*Youth aged 18-35 are eligible for subsidized cost (more information and registration HERE).

**Schedule for the retreat HERE.


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