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National Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross is an invitation to bear witness to the suffering, death, resurrection and glory of Jesus Christ. It is by this Paschal Mystery that God chose to Create Hope. Our witness to this hope is needed, now more than ever, in a world where hope is in short supply. The Hope to be found in the Way of the Cross is not a naïve or passive hope. Neither is it the hope of the powerful or the privileged. It is a hope that requires much to create. It is a hope born from sacrifice. God creates hope by joining us in our human suffering and weakness. All the pain and sin of the world were taken into the body of Jesus and nailed to a cross. This supreme sacrifice creates hope for a better world because the logic of this sacrifice is not death, but life.

When: Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. ET

Where: Virtual event on Zoom

Zoom link: Please click HERE to register.


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