Our animator for Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Carmen Michaud, has put together a series of presentations Monday Meets with our International program staff (and one with the Canadian Food Grains Bank).
Join us to learn more about our work in different parts of the world.
COP 16 on Biodiversity: A Latin American Perspective
When: Monday, November 4, 2024 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. MT
Where: Online via Zoom. Please click on the button below to register.
More information: Please contact Carmen Michaud at Carmen.MichaudATdevp.org
About Anne Catherine Kennedy, Program Officer for Brazil and Colombia, DPCC:

Anne Catherine Kennedy, has been a program officer for Latin America since 2005 (20 years in June 2025!), working on long-term development issues. In 2021 she joined the humanitarian team, to manage our response to the Venezuela migrant crisis, so she has experience in long-term development and humanitarian aid.
She is currently responsible for Brazil and Colombia and some continental initiatives (mainly in the Amazon) and in the past for Paraguay and Haiti.
She holds an MA degree in anthropology based on 5 months of fieldwork in the drought-stricken Northeast of Brazil
Anne Catherine is passionate about social issues particularly those related to the rural world and justice for indigenous communities, traditional rural communities and peasants.
Land, territory, food issues, energy issues, biodiversity, the agro-industry, the mining industry, and rural peoples’ rights are the issues that are dearest to her heart.