Category: Advocacy

The loss and damage fund is to compensate countries of the Global South for harms caused by climate change. Le fonds pour les pertes et dommages est destiné à indemniser les pays du Sud pour les préjudices causés par le changement climatique.

Climate justice: loss and damage at COP28

An ecumenical organization calls for Canada and other wealthy Western countries to repay their ecological debt by compensating countries of the Global South for the loss and damage they sustain because of climate change they did not cause.

Gaza: call for a ceasefire, and give generously Gaza : appelez au cessez-le-feu, et donnez généreusement

Gaza: call for a ceasefire, and give generously

Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada urges the Canadian government to call for a ceasefire and invites Canadians to give generously to a matched-fund collection in aid of besieged families in Gaza.

Toothless watchdog takes its first bites

The office of the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise has launched investigations into a sporting goods giant and a mining company, but it lacks the powers it needs to do a proper job.

Rana Plaza: this cannot be the norm

Canada can and must legislate to halt the havoc that giant global corporations in the fashion and mining industries are wreaking across the planet, from Bangladesh to Brazil and beyond.

Rana Plaza: Ten years on

A decade since fast fashion and commercial greed claimed the lives of over 1,100 garment workers in Bangladesh, we are rallying to pay homage to their memory and to demand fairer terms and stricter legal protections for workers everywhere.

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