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  • May peace be with her

May peace be with her

In solidarity with women and women’s organizations working for peace

  • 70,000 signatures were collected to call on the federal government to provide development assistance that supports the role of women in peacebuilding processes.

  • Development and Peace also launched a thematic analysis entitled Women at the Heart of Change. The report demonstrates that women are the pillars of their communities and catalysts for change in their struggles for ecological justice, democracy and citizen participation, peace and reconciliation.


Video thumbnail: Women at the Heart of Peace | Image de la vidéo : Les femmes au cœur de la paix
Play Video about Video thumbnail: Women at the Heart of Peace | Image de la vidéo : Les femmes au cœur de la paix
Video thumbnail: Women Peacebuilders | Image de la vidéo : Les femmes et la construction de la paix
Play Video about Video thumbnail: Women Peacebuilders | Image de la vidéo : Les femmes et la construction de la paix
Video image: What is peace? | Image de la video : Qu’est-ce que la paix
Play Video about Video image: What is peace? | Image de la video : Qu’est-ce que la paix

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